Founded in
Founded in
2KM Architects, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer as exemplified by our diversified staff. The Principals have made a conscious decision to hire individuals with the intent that they spend their career at the firm, not just the duration of a project. Four of our associates have been with us for over 10-years and our staff average is more than 7-years of dedicated service. This allows us to maintain relationships with Owners, Contractors, Product Representatives, and other Building Professionals.
We have had the opportunity to work on a
diverse set of project types over the years. As our experience ranges from
Neonatal Intensive Care Units to Cemeteries, one could say that we have helped
to influence the entirety of the human lifecycle. Dan & Rob are a dynamic
duo because each Principal has his own specialty with decades of project
experience. From his time at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin School, Rob has
built up a vast knowledge of construction techniques that help to guide his
designs of schools, churches, and other complex structures. For Dan, there is
not a Healthcare Project type that he has not worked on. He has spent the
entirety of his time at the firm working with local and regional Hospitals to
update their facilities.